You don’t have to be college student, or involved in some designated or assigned learning experience to benefit from learning. You can learn from you’re the things that you experience. My mom used to say about my sibling; that he seemed to only learn through the school of hard knocks; meaning that he was disobedient and/or had to get it wrong in order to learn. That doesn’t have to be true, but either way, learning is what we all should do in everything.

Jesus, however, learned obedience through the things He suffered. Jesus, of all people learned something – not a new revelation, knowledge, or something He wasn’t party to – no, not at all. He learned obedience. Was He disobedient? No. Not for one moment.  It is important to note that He learned obedience through the things He suffered while being obedient (Hebrews 5:7-8). In other words, His obedience produced suffering that taught Him that obedience is worth the cost or the price that needs to be paid.

How are you learning? What are you learning from? Have your experiences taught you anything? Have they taught you that leaning on the Lord, and obeying Him is worth it at any cost or price? I have learned and am still learning, that it pays to be open to listening and learning from the good experiences and the bad ones. Every experience comes with knowledge. What have you learned yesterday or today? Meditate on it and make good use of it.