A man once told me, “You will never be a pastor. You laugh too much.” At least, that is what he said.  There may have been more underlying reasons, but that’s the one he expressed. Today, I am a pastor, and it was not up to him. I could easily have given up at the turn offs I encountered, not only from him, but others who do not believe or accept that a woman should be in such position. Maybe in your case, it is something else that you have been dissuaded to leave alone or have been told that you don’t make the cut. Have you stop trying just because someone else thought you should.  If so, I want to encourage you to be persistent.

In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus tells a story about a widow who refused to quit seeking justice when ignored by a judge who had no respect for God nor man. Eventually, fearing being worn out by her continued persistence, he gave her the help she needed.  Now Jesus told this story to encourage his disciples to always pray and not quit. I reference it to point us to, and to encourage persistence, not only in prayer, but in your attitude towards other things in life.

If you want answers, be persistent. If you want a breakthrough, be persistent. If you want to win, be persistent. If you want change, be persistent. If it had not been for persistence, many success stories would not have been recorded. Keep praying and keep persevering.

In another place, Jesus told us to keep on asking and we will be given what we ask for; keep on looking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will open (see Luke 11:9). Be patient but be persistent. Do not give up, because your due season is coming.

Pastor Cynthia